Zap! Pow! San Diego Public Library’s Comic-Con Lineup is Packed with Superhero Power

The San Diego Public Library (SDPL) has something for everyone during Comic-Con 2024. Comic fans can pick up a limited-edition SDPL library card, create a superhero craft or a graphic novel journal, and fix any costume emergencies at the SDPL cosplay repair station. SDPL’s Central Library will also host several days of panels -- open to the public -- discussing how comics can be used as learning tools in the classroom.
This year’s exclusive Comic-Con library card design celebrates the power found within books and reading. It’s designed by professor, author and graphic novelist John Jennings and features a person reading a book with the library’s motto “Opportunity, Discovery and Inspiration” and an image of the Central Library. The library card is the only one licensed by Comic-Con International.
A limited number of cards are available at the SDPL booth on the Convention Center floor, starting on Comic-Con Preview Night, Wednesday, July 24, and at all branch library locations beginning Thursday, July 25. It is free to sign up for a new card or replace an old one. Supplies are limited, and the cards are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
The IDEA Lab on the 4th floor of Central library will again offer a cosplay repair station with solutions to any costume problems. Cosplayers with a missing button, broken strap or last-minute addition can use the lab’s sewing machines, 3D printers, laser cutters and other materials to fix up their costumes for free. The IDEA Lab is open July 25 to 27 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and July 28 between 1 and 4 p.m. No appointment is necessary.
Central Library is also the site for the 7th annual Comic-Con Conference for Educators and Librarians (CCEL) from July 24 to 28. The free, five-day conference is open to the public and explores creative and exciting ways to use comics and other popular arts in education and literacy programs. Space is limited and registration is required.
For more on SDPL’s exclusive Comic-Con library card and other events, including superhero storytimes and comic art programs, visit the Comic-Con @ the Library web page.
About the San Diego Public Library
With a vision of being the place for opportunity, discovery and inspiration, the San Diego Public Library is a hub for knowledge and lifelong learning. As the largest library system in the region, it serves a population of more than 1.4 million people. Learn about events at the San Diego Central Library @ Joan Λ Irwin Jacobs Common and 35 community branch libraries, find links to programs and resources or search for materials in the online catalog at