Public Safety

Take Action to Help Protect Victims of Human Trafficking

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San Diego is one of the safest large urban cities in the United States thanks to the City of San Diego’s commitment to public safety and the protection of children. As part of that commitment, the City Attorney’s Office encourages everyone to know the signs of human trafficking and take action to protect victims. 

An estimated 27 million people are exploited for labor, services and commercial sex around the world, according to the U.S. State Department. Children are often enticed into sexual exploitation with the promise of love, safety, food, shelter, clothing, money and other incentives. Historically marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ youth, can be especially vulnerable to this type of crime. 

The City Attorney's Office collaborates with local law enforcement agencies to seek justice for the victims of human trafficking and help with their recovery. Deputy City Attorneys and Victims Services Coordinators are specifically trained to recognize and respond to the signs of trafficking.  


The City Attorney’s Office also operates the City's family justice center to help victims get their lives back on track. Your Safe Place, a Family Justice Center provides services to anyone who has experienced domestic violence, family violence, elder abuse, sexual assault or sex trafficking. Services are offered regardless of age, gender, income or immigration status. 


“As leaders on this Human Trafficking Task Force, we work closely with our partners in law enforcement to reduce demand and hold sex buyers accountable,” said City Attorney Mara Elliott. “We also ensure survivors have access to services and counseling at the City of San Diego’s Your Safe Place.” 


To contact Your Safe Place, call 619-533-6000. Walk-in hours are available Monday through Thursday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Fridays from 8 a.m. to noon. 


In addition, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-3737-888 is a reliable source for confidential help 24/7.