
San Diego Temporarily Relocates Safe Sleeping Residents Before Worst of Storm

Homeless shelter cots

In anticipation of heavy rain expected this evening and into tomorrow, the City of San Diego has temporarily relocated people staying at the 20th and B Safe Sleeping site to Golden Hall located in the City Concourse. The move was done out of an abundance of caution, with up to two inches of rain expected tonight and Tuesday.

There are approximately 150 people staying at the 20th and B site, and all of them were offered temporary shelter inside Golden Hall. The Safe Sleeping site’s operator, Dreams for Change, is working to make sure any residents who were off site at the time of the relocation have transportation to the temporary shelter at Golden Hall this evening.

Prior to this storm, City crews and site operators fortified both the 20th and B and O Lot Safe Sleeping sites. Those efforts have continued to help redirect water flows and keep sites secure. O Lot was not evacuated during previous rains and site operators reported Monday conditions were stable. City staff are closely monitoring conditions with the City’s Emergency Operations Center and contingency plans are in place.

Two weeks ago, record rains forced unhoused residents staying at the Alpha Project 16th & Newton shelter to relocate to the City’s Balboa Park Activity Center. Those residents remain there while shelter damage assessments are ongoing.

The City will continue to monitor the situation and take steps to protect Safe Sleeping and shelter residents.