San Diego City Council Repeals Footnote 7

Following concerns raised by passionate community members, the San Diego City Council voted on March 4 to reverse a change to the City’s Land Development Code that lacked transparency when it was made in 2019.
The City Council’s decision relates to a reference in the Land Development Code known as “Footnote 7,” which reduced the minimum lot size for single-family homes from 20,000 square feet to 5,000 square feet in the Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan area.
The change, introduced in the 2019 Land Development Code Update, essentially allowed more single-family homes to be built on smaller lots than were previously allowed – but only applied to a single community planning area.
By removing Footnote 7, the City Council's action will reduce the number of homes that can be built on lots zoned for single-family homes in Encanto from 642 to 177.
“The City Planning Department recommended the removal of the footnote to restore the 20,000-square-foot minimum lot size,” said City Planning Director Heidi Vonblum. “Transparency and inclusive public engagement are so critical in City Planning. Removal of the footnote is an important step in affirming our commitment to transparency and ensuring that future amendments to the Land Development Code are evaluated properly.”
Best practice for such amendments is that they would apply citywide. Amendments that only affect a small area should be addressed through either specific rezoning actions, or with intentional and inclusive engagement with the communities specifically affected.
Timeline of Events
1997: The City Council adopted a comprehensive update to the Land Development Code and established a process for monitoring and updating zoning regulations.
2015: The Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan was adopted after extensive community outreach, setting zoning requirements, including zones designated for single-family homes with a 20,000-square-foot minimum lot size. The Plan also identifies a maximum density in these areas of 4 dwelling units per acre, which regardless of zoning regulations, is imposed as part of the subdivision process.
2019: Footnote 7 was introduced as Item 335 on the December 17, 2019, City Council agenda.
2021: The City Council approved the 2021 Land Development Code Update, which amended Footnote 7 as Item 204 on the December 13, 2021, City Council agenda.
2024: Community groups, including the Chollas Valley Community Planning Group and the Community Planners Committee, called for the repeal of Footnote 7. In response, the City Planning Department brought the repeal forward for approval. The Planning Commission heard the item on December 19, 2024, and voted to support the removal of Footnote 7 from RS-1-2 zones.
2025: The City Council voted to repeal Footnote 7 and restore the original lot size requirements in the Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan Area.
The City appreciates the community's active involvement and feedback throughout this process. Civic engagement plays a critical role in shaping the future of San Diego with community members helping to advise the City Council, Planning Commission and other decision-makers on development projects, general or community plan amendments, rezonings and public facilities.