
Residents are Invited to Get Free Compost During City’s First Compost Giveaway Event

Woman digging compost

A series of new compost giveaway events hosted by the City’s Environmental Services Department, in partnership with I Love A Clean San Diego, will make it easy for San Diegans to get their hands on free, nutrient-rich compost.

The first giveaway event will be held this Saturday, Nov. 23, from 8 a.m. to noon at Sun Runner Lot, 5199 Fiesta Island Road, where residents can self-load compost to take home and help their gardens thrive.

Compost can be used as an amendment to improve soil texture and increase nutrient and water-holding capacity. In San Diego, where soil lacks many essential plant nutrients, mixing compost with the soil is one of the best things you can do for your yard and garden. Adding compost to the soil reduces its erosion by promoting water filtration into the soil surface and keeps carbon out of the atmosphere, which lessens the effects of climate change.

Things to bring:

  • Shovel.
  • Gloves.
  • Containers.
  • Tarp and bungees for truck beds. All trucks must be covered.

Anyone interested in picking up compost should be prepared to self-load, and a waiver will be required. Register for this event online and follow directional signage when you arrive. The compost giveaway will occur rain or shine.