Community Engagement

Mayor Gloria Announces the Return of the Commission on the Status of Women

Mayor Todd Gloria and women in front of building

Last month Mayor Todd Gloria announced that the City of San Diego is reviving the Commission on the Status of Women, which has been inactive for more than two decades. He was joined in the announcement by Council President pro Tem Monica Montgomery Steppe, Councilmember Marni von Wilpert, Councilmember Vivian Moreno and Councilmember Dr. Jen Campbell.

“Ensuring that all San Diegans have access to opportunity throughout their lives and are supported in their efforts to realize their full potential is a key priority of my administration,” said Mayor Gloria. “It’s long past time we revive this commission to ensure the City is supporting women’s long march toward equality.”

Created to advise the Mayor, City Council and other agencies of City government, the Commission on the Status of Women will help address the needs of women in the San Diego area and recommend programs designed to alleviate any inequities that may confront women in social, economic and vocational pursuits.

First established in 1973 as the “Advisory Board on the Status of Women” and subsequently revived and renamed in 1991, the commission has been inactive with the last of expiring terms ending in 2001. Its revival reflects City leaders’ commitment to equity and ensuring San Diego women are positioned for success.

Councilmember Marni von Wilpert

“I am also very excited to announce today that, with the support of the Mayor, and with co-sponsor Councilmember Vivian Moreno, that in the coming weeks we will draft an ordinance implementing the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women for the City of San Diego.”

Councilmember Vivian Moreno

“It is an honor to be part of the Commission on the Status of Women for the City of San Diego. It is my responsibility as an elected leader to provide guidance and leadership in empowering women, and in particular, Latinas in District 8. I look forward to being part of this Commission to ensure the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.”

Council President pro Tem Montgomery Steppe

“It is imperative that we reintroduce this commission to focus on the critical, impactful issues affecting women, including health, public safety and workforce representation. We can begin improving the quality of life for women by addressing the intersectionalities of their struggles to help us attain equity and thrive in our communities.”

Councilmember Dr. Jennifer Campbell

“My hope is that the next generation of girls will not have to fight for equal pay for equal work. That they will live in a world that equally values their contributions in our society and they receive the recognition and respect that they deserve. Re-establishing the Commission on the Status of Women is a great first step to ensure a more equitable future for San Diego’s women. Until we achieve true equity for women in our country, it’s up to leaders at every level of government to act and I am proud that we as a City are recommitting to achieving gender equity here at home.”

Felicia Shaw, Executive Director, Women’s Museum of California

“It’s perfect that Mayor Gloria is reinstating the City’s Commission on the Status of Women at the end of Women’s History Month and in partnership with the Women’s Museum of California. Together, we are proud to preserve the past and inspire the future – there is much work that has been accomplished and much more to do.”

If you want to get involved with the Commission on the Status of Women or any of the City's Boards and Commissions, you can submit your application here.