Parks and Recreation

Keeping Tecolote Canyon Trails Safe and Accessible: A Major Sewer Improvement Project Underway

Tecolote Canyon Signage

If you've recently explored the trails at Tecolote Canyon, you might have noticed caution tape marking sections of vegetation. This is part of a significant infrastructure improvement project: a 4.7-mile trunk sewer rehabilitation and replacement.

The two- to three-year project aims to upgrade underground sewer lines to prevent ruptures and increase system capacity. The sewer system’s gravity flow design requires routing some lines through the canyon to utilize the natural topography. The sewer lines in Tecolote Canyon were originally installed in the 1950s and have not been replaced since.

Project activities include sewer line maintenance, installation and replacement of manholes, and access path improvements to facilitate future maintenance. The work will begin at the Tecolote Nature Center and progress northward through the canyon.

During construction, visitors can expect rolling impacts on trail accessibility. While some trailheads may temporarily close, others will remain open. Be sure to follow posted signage for up-to-date trail availability.

Once sewer improvements are complete, a five-year vegetation restoration effort will begin to ensure the canyon’s ecosystem thrives for generations to come.

For your safety, please maintain a safe distance from construction areas and respect the caution tape and other barriers in place. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to enhance this cherished natural space!

Learn more about Tecolote Canyon here: