Improvements Underway at Colonel Irving Salomon San Ysidro Community Activity Center

San Diegans will soon have an upgraded recreation facility to enjoy in San Ysidro. The Colonel Irving Salomon San Ysidro Community Activity Center and parking lot are undergoing a $5.8 million improvement project to provide better access and new features for all users.
Among the new amenities, a playground for children with activity space and climbing equipment, a multi-purpose sports court, new walkways around the recreation center and drought-tolerant landscaping.
“This project is transforming the Colonel Irving Salomon San Ysidro Community Activity Center into an entirely new destination for San Diegans to enjoy,” said City Engineer Rania Amen, Director of the Engineering and Capital Projects Department. “Our team is excited to bring these improvements to the existing facility. By applying innovative engineering solutions and creativity, we are maximizing the use of space to create an environment that meets the needs of all community members.”
Since the project began in January, construction crews have started preparing the site for the improvements by removing the existing parking lot, sidewalks and walkways. Inside the facility, they are replumbing the restrooms and drinking fountain and making adjustments to the weight room and doorways.
In order to accommodate the new amenities, the existing parking lot layout will be changed. The parking lot on the east side of the building will be reduced in size to allow space for the playground installation and it will wrap around to the west side of the facility to provide additional spaces next to the future multi-purpose sports court. For a look at the full project scope, check out the site plan.
Funding for this project comes from a variety of sources including a $4 million U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grant from fiscal year 2024. Additional funding is provided through San Ysidro Urban Community funds, the Capital Outlay Fund that is generated through the sale of City-owned properties and is reinvested into long-term improvement projects, and Citywide Park Development Impact Fees (DIF) designated for communities with park needs.
This project is expected to be completed in early 2026. The Activity Center is home to a variety of fun classes, special events, community gatherings, sports leagues and more that will resume upon reopening.
“When construction work is complete at the San Ysidro Activity Center, users will be able to enjoy a host of upgraded amenities at this site,” said Andy Field, Parks and Recreation Department Director. “We look forward to reopening this beloved community space so that users will have the opportunity to take part in all of the activities offered at the refreshed facility, which will be more accessible to all.”
During construction, the activity center and parking lot will remain closed and all programs and activities at the site have been relocated to other nearby Parks and Recreation Department facilities. For more information, visit the San Ysidro Community Activity Center webpage or contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 619-534-3377.