
Seasonal Advice from Our Environmental Services Department

Don't take a holiday from recycling text surrounded by tops of trees

’Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry. But when the celebrations are over, and it’s time to take out the trash, the City’s Environmental Services Department (ESD) encourages San Diegans to put waste in its proper place and not take a holiday from recycling!

“This time of year, we generate more waste, such as gift-wrapping paper, boxes, and leftover scraps from holiday meals,” said ESD’s Recycling Program Manager Julie Sands.

“To help navigate what can and can’t be recycled and what goes in the blue, black and green bins, we have created a handy “What Goes Where Guide – Special Holiday Edition” that we hope San Diegans will refer to when disposing of holiday waste,” said Sands.

For more examples of what goes where, download the Holiday Guide; for more information about recycling, visit RecyclingWorks.com. And in the meantime, have a clean, green and happy holiday, San Diego!