Public Safety

Permanent Barrier Installation Planned for Sunset Cliffs Section

Sunset Cliffs closure

In order to protect public safety and address the impacts of ongoing coastal erosion, a permanent barricade is being installed at a small section of the bluffs on Sunset Cliffs Boulevard in Point Loma. City of San Diego crews are working this week to install the barrier, replacing a temporary one, to prevent people from accessing the cliff.

Cracks that had developed in rocks along the cliffside, at the water line and away from the road, have since worsened and City staff believe they present a potential risk to people who could be standing on the bluff or the sand below. High surf that is expected this week presents the potential for further damage and erosion to the cliffs.

The location on the cliffs between Adair Street and Osprey Street is a popular photo spot and people had previously climbed down the rocks to access the water. While the area was used as an access point, it was never officially designated as such under the Sunset Cliffs Natural Park Master Plan - developed in 2005 as a guide to shape and preserve the future of the park.

Construction of the permanent barrier is expected to be completed within the next week. In the meantime, the area is blocked off with caution tape and signs that warn visitors to avoid the bluffs.

As climate change is accelerating sea level rise, coastal erosion is just one of the issues that the City aims to address with the Coastal Resilience Master Plan. A draft of the plan is currently available for public review, and the City is asking residents for input on coastal resilience projects, including at Sunset Cliffs, to help shape the future of our coastline.

Residents are encouraged to read the plan and provide feedback on several potential project sites that aim to adapt to sea level rise, support coastal access and recreation, and protect historic cultural resources.