From the Mayor's Desk

From the Mayor's Desk: More on the Improvements to the Public Utilities Department

public utilities department

Last week, I gave you a broad overview of the improvements happening at the City’s Public Utilities Department. This week, I wanted to pull out some of the success stories we’ve seen since overhauling the department to improve customer service and billing issues.  

Check out these areas of improvement:  

  • Between August 2022 to August 23, the average customer service call wait time went from one hour and 20 minutes to 35 minutes. While we are still working to get wait times much lower, that is a 56% decrease in wait times in just one year.  
  • In March of this year, our Public Utilities Department launched new webform services that make it much easier and more efficient for customers to do things like ask questions or set up new service. We have received and resolved 13,000 webform requests so far and successfully brought down our new service backlog by 80%.  

We’re nowhere near where we want to be, but we’ve made significant progress and will continue until the Public Utilities Department is providing the excellent customer service San Diegans expect and deserve.


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