From Councilmember Raul Campillo: Antisemitic Hate is Not Welcome Here

stop9 antisemitism

Twice in July, and with multiple antisemitic incidents happening recently around our county, we have seen the Jewish community under attack from unknown bigots fliering in District 7 in San Carlos, Del Cerro, and Allied Gardens.

This is a threat to our peace as a community and I am absolutely disgusted.

I am calling on everyone who has a camera on their home or front door to review their footage if a flier was dropped near you, to help identify these hateful people and to help prevent the next hate incident and hate crime.

Please contact my office or SDPD if you have any useful evidence. We must work as a community to send the message that we stand with our Jewish community against this antisemitic filth and against anyone who perpetrates hate incidents and hate crimes.


Reach us by phone at 619-236-6677, or by email at Sign up for Councilmember Campillo's email newsletter here.