Community Engagement

Community Input Shapes City of San Diego’s Five-Year Infrastructure Plan


As part of the City of San Diego’s ongoing efforts to involve community members directly in the development of infrastructure projects, today the City shared the list of projects residents indicated they would like to see in their neighborhoods and whether those ideas are now included in the City’s current five-year infrastructure plans. These include upgrades to libraries, parks, streets and other projects.  

These ideas were shared during a series of public workshops, listening sessions with community groups and through an online survey. 

“It is so important the City deliver infrastructure, like safe streets and places for people to play and connect with their neighbors, that best meets the needs of everyone in our City,” said City Planning Director Heidi Vonblum. “To do this, it is critical we hear from our community members to shape our infrastructure priorities in ways that best improve our communities.” 

The Infrastructure Priorities Summary Report includes more than 1,200 ideas community members submitted last year for consideration for the Fiscal Year 2025-2029 Capital Infrastructure Planning Outlook. The Outlook serves as the roadmap for the City’s infrastructure investment by presenting a broad overview of capital infrastructure needs and anticipated funding over the next five fiscal years. It is updated annually and identifies funding allocated for different types of infrastructure without listing specific projects. 

The Infrastructure Priorities Summary Report, however, provides detailed information on whether each project idea submitted by community members became part of the five-year Outlook and, if not, why. The Report also shares if project ideas are already in progress or funding is being sought for the project. Community members are invited to compare the Report with the current infrastructure projects the City is actively working on, which are outlined in the Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget

Ideas submitted by community members that were ultimately included in the Outlook and the adopted budget range from rebuilding the San Carlos Library, to improving the lifeguard station in Ocean Beach and adding an off-leash dog park at North Chollas Community Park.  

The Infrastructure Priorities Summary Report is the culmination of new engagement and public participation processes outlined in Council Policies 800-14 and 000-32. These policies were updated in December 2022. They set the guidelines for how Capital Improvements Program (CIP) projects are prioritized and funded, and how engagement with San Diegans occurs to advance equitable and efficient delivery of infrastructure that serves the community’s needs. 

During the spring and summer of 2023, City staff held in-person workshops, went out into the neighborhoods, gathered input from community planning groups and hosted an online survey to hear from community members on infrastructure needs and priorities in their neighborhood. Infrastructure project ideas were then evaluated and included in the Outlook based on funding, operational feasibility, legal requirements, alignment with existing plans and policies, community input and the prioritization factors in Council Policy 800-14. The Outlook was adopted by City Council this past February. 

Although workshops to gather input to inform the upcoming Outlook have concluded, community members are still encouraged to submit their ideas for future Outlooks at any time by filling out the survey on the Infrastructure Priorities Engagement webpage.