City of San Diego Highlights Significant Infrastructure Achievements in FY23

New Mission Bay Bridge

Following the announcement of a record infrastructure investment in Mayor Todd Gloria’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, the City of San Diego is marking significant achievements of its Capital Improvements Program (CIP) during the past fiscal year, which ended on June 30.

During fiscal year 2023 (FY23), nearly 1,100 CIP projects - with an estimated program value of over $5.2 billion - moved through various stages of planning, design, construction and/or completion. 

The City’s Engineering and Capital Projects Department manages between 80% and 90% of the City’s CIP projects. Among the department’s noteworthy achievements in FY23, construction contracts were awarded for: 

Additionally, Engineering and Capital Projects completed asphalt overlay for nearly 52 miles of roads, a significant increase compared to 33 miles completed in fiscal year 2022. 
"We’re proud of the great work our team has accomplished in FY23; they are delivering on these vital projects across our San Diego communities,” said Rania Amen, City Engineer and Director of the City’s Engineering and Capital Projects Department. “The City’s infrastructure program is a top priority for Mayor Gloria, and we will continue to build on this success to deliver even more projects in FY24 with integrity, transparency and a sense of urgency."
Additional accomplishments include the number of construction projects closed out in FY23, with 89 projects, freeing up funding needed to support other ongoing projects.
In FY23, the total amount of new funding dedicated to the City’s Capital Improvements Program was over $1.1 billion, including nearly $50 million in federal and state grant funds. The largest CIP project is Pure Water San Diego, a multi-year program that will provide nearly half of San Diego’s water supply locally by the end of 2035.  
To learn more about the CIP and search for construction projects in your neighborhood, visit