Public Works

The City of San Diego Repairs Stormwater Outfalls on SDSU West Campus

Stormwater repairs underway

The City of San Diego’s Stormwater Department and Think Blue San Diego team have been busy improving stormwater infrastructure! They recently secured permits for maintenance and repair work on five stormwater outfalls at the SDSU Campus West construction site in Mission Valley. These outfalls lead into the San Diego River and are sometimes submerged when the river is high. To prevent river water from backing up into the stormwater system, the team was able to install a new flapper valve on one of the outfalls. Although the original valve order was delayed due to supply chain issues, the City’s Fleet Services staff was able to fabricate the valve in-house. They delivered it in time to install before the March 15 birding season deadline, and even painted the valve red as a nod to SDSU colors!  

To learn more about the Stormwater team and how you can help achieve clean water and clean beaches for all, visit