Community Engagement

City of San Diego Pledges to Stand United Against Hate

Group of people signing proclamation

As part of United Against Hate Week, the City of San Diego has issued a proclamation to stop hate and biases that pose a threat to the safety and civility of our community. Mayor Todd Gloria, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California Randy Grossman, San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan and California State University San Marcos Professor Brian Levin joined the City’s Human Relations Commission to recognize United Against Hate Week.

“The City of San Diego will stand against racism, bullying, inequity, anti-inclusion and discrimination in all forms and wherever it may be,” said Mayor Todd Gloria. “Hate has no place in our city. In San Diego, our diversity is our strength and it is something we take pride in. I'm grateful for the Human Relations Commission for bringing forward this proclamation in support of activities to stop hate, intolerance and bullying and to declare a united front against hate in San Diego.”

United Against Hate Week began as a poster campaign in the San Francisco Bay Area in response to an uptick in crimes involving evidence of hatred and bias based on the victim's race, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. The campaign has now become an annual event recognized by over 200 communities across the country. This week of action, recognized from Nov. 13-19, is designed to raise awareness about the dangers of hate and the need for respect and civil discourse.

Inspired by the nationwide movement, the City’s Human Relations Commission authored the resolution in support of activities to stop hate, intolerance and bullying and to declare a united front against hate in San Diego. Creating inclusion and equity are vital to building healthy and resilient communities.

“The Human Relations Commission is dedicated to this initiative and has worked in partnership with agencies, local groups, leaders and communities to stand against racism, biases and intolerance and to help restore respect, embrace diversity and build inclusive and equitable communities for all,” said Kristin Rizzo, Chair of the City’s Human Relations Commission.

About the Human Relations Commission

As an advisory commission to the Mayor and City Council, the Human Relations Commission is empowered to collaborate with civic institutions, educate the public, investigate policy to make our city better, advocate on issues to the Mayor and Council, and mediate disputes of discrimination, exclusion and bias in the City of San Diego. The Commission works to protect basic human and civil rights and promotes activities that foster mutual respect and understanding. If you are interested in volunteering for a City board or commission, visit the City's Boards and Commissions webpage.