Public Works

City of San Diego to Begin Repair Work on Hodges Reservoir Dam

Hodges Dam

As part of ongoing efforts to maintain and invest in City of San Diego infrastructure, repair work will begin within the next two weeks on Hodges Dam, located at the Hodges Reservoir north of Rancho Bernardo.

"It's been over a century since Hodges Dam was constructed and we are making significant investments to maintain this vital asset," said Alia Khouri, Deputy Chief Operating Officer. "Projects like this one are crucial for the City's aging infrastructure system in order to maintain the safe and efficient delivery of City services."

During a recent inspection, the City identified areas in the dam wall that require repair and need be sealed. To access these areas, the water level of the reservoir needs to be lowered by approximately 18 feet from its current level to an elevation of 275 feet. The reservoir may need to be lowered below 275 feet if additional areas needing repair are identified during the project. The repair project is expected to continue for an estimated five months.

The primary function of Hodges Reservoir is to impound water for drinking water purposes. The City is working with its regional water agency partners on a plan to draw down the reservoir level to maximize water savings. Most, if not all, of the water will be transferred to other reservoirs, while some water may be released into the San Dieguito River.

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“The City of San Diego is committed to maintaining Hodges Dam to ensure the protection of our water resources and public enjoyment of the reservoir,” said Juan Guerreiro, Interim Director of the City’s Public Utilities Department. “We appreciate the public’s patience while we complete the project.”

As a result of the lower water level, the Hodges Reservoir will be closed for recreation while the repair project is underway. Boating and fishing will still be available at other City reservoirs. The San Dieguito River Park trails and facilities around Hodges Reservoir will not be impacted during the drawdown or construction work on the dam.

Hodges Reservoir was created with the building of Hodges Dam on San Dieguito Creek in 1918. Operated and maintained by the City's Public Utilities Department, the reservoir currently serves the County Water Authority, San Dieguito Water District and Santa Fe Irrigation District as well as the City. For more information about Hodges and the City’s other eight reservoirs, visit