Homelessness Solutions

City of San Diego Appeals to Property Owners and Managers for Potential Shelter Space

shelter beds

With the goal of increasing long-term capacity in the City’s shelter system and replacing beds in temporary shelters set to close in the coming years, the City of San Diego today issued a formal solicitation calling on property owners and managers to offer up potential locations that could be used as future shelter sites through a Request for Information (RFI). The move comes as the City works to create more short-, medium- and long-term options for those experiencing homelessness through the updated Comprehensive Shelter Strategy

“We’ve doubled capacity at our sheltering options, but clearly more needs to be done so that San Diegans continue to see encampments being addressed and our unsheltered neighbors get connected to services that will help end their homelessness,” said San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria. “While ample affordable housing is the only true solution, we must address the current crisis on our streets as we build thousands of new supportive units.” 

The City has been acting with urgency to end street homelessness, expanding traditional shelter capacity and Safe Sleeping opportunities by over 930 beds within the last year. In all, the City’s current shelter bed count is 2,508, and according to the Regional Task Force on Homelessness’ most recent Point in Time Count, roughly 3,000 people remain unsheltered in the city of San Diego. In the coming months, the City is anticipating a drop in shelter bed availability due to the planned closure of temporary facilities and future developments at Golden Hall, the Rachel’s Promise Shelter and Father Joe’s Paul Mirabile Center.    

The RFI issued today appeals to property owners and managers to submit sites available for purchase or lease that – after further evaluation – could become a homelessness shelter. There is no ideal size for such a facility, and the City currently employs a mix of smaller non-congregate buildings ranging to larger non-congregate sites such as hotels, to larger congregate-style shelter facilities. 

The safety and security of future shelter residents is top of mind when seeking potential sites, with consideration given to building conditions and the status of fire suppression systems. Information collected from the RFI could lead to further property evaluation and, potentially, a contract award. Submissions will be reviewed jointly by the City’s Homelessness Strategies and Solutions and Economic Development departments. 

“We’ve evaluated dozens of sites for shelter use and we’re making sure if there are more opportunities out there, we want to hear about them,” said Christina Bibler, Director of the City’s Economic Development Department. “Not only could this present new and exciting options, it could help with future property negotiations to ensure the most financially responsible opportunity.” 

In a similar effort, last month the San Diego Housing Commission issued a Request for Qualification (RFQ) to identify potential landlord collaborations, including a separate RFQ to identify potential future service providers and shelter operators. 

As outlined in the Comprehensive Shelter Strategy, the Homelessness Strategies and Solutions Department is also working to expand opportunities for Safe Sleeping and Safe Parking sites. These two programs have seen success in serving more than 2,500 people in FY24 and providing access to housing navigation and other necessary services. The Safe Sleeping Program serves as a model for other jurisdictions, with nearly a dozen municipalities inquiring about program operations. 

In July, City staff brought forward a proposed lease agreement for Hope @ Vine, a proposed campus in Middletown, which could provide a permanent shelter location in a modern and dignified way. Lease negotiations continue on that property. 

The RFI officially opened Friday and those interested in responding have until Monday, Oct. 7, at 4:30 p.m. to submit. Questions and comments must be submitted electronically via email to ShelterRFI@sandiego.gov no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20.