From the Mayor's Desk

CBS 8: Students Say Unsafe Camping Ordinance Making A Big Difference 

Perkins Elementary School San Diego

It should go without saying: children should not have to walk out into busy streets to get around homeless tent encampments on their way to school. 

One of the main drivers behind the passage, and my signing, of the Unsafe Camping Ordinance was to solve that problem while also giving the people living in tents on our sidewalks a safe place to go.  

It’s been over six months since the Unsafe Camping Ban took effect, and students in Barrio Logan say the law is already making a big difference.  

CBS 8 reports that elementary and middle school students at Perkins Elementary School used to see drug use, fights, and human feces while walking to school, but now that encampments are banned in some public places, like near schools, those problems are gone. We've also been able to connect more than 650 people living in encampments to shelter. 

I'm proud to see the positive impact of the Unsafe Camping Ordinance. Since its implementation, there has been a noticeable improvement in the safety and cleanliness of our streets, especially near schools and in parks like Balboa Park.  

We still have a lot of work to do, but I am so happy that the new law is creating a safer environment for students and pedestrians alike. I want to thank Perkins’ Principal, Fernando Hernandez, for advocating for this ordinance when it went before the City Council for approval last summer. 

As we move forward, I remain committed to finding holistic solutions to homelessness while ensuring the safety and well-being of all San Diegans -- especially our children. 


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